Friday, April 09, 2010

G-Pop Comes to Visit

We loved having my dad here for a long weekend last week. As I posted on my facebook page:

Dropped my dad off at the airport yesterday and missing him already. Of course, for his great company but also because while he was here he oiled our squeaky door, fixed my kitchen shelf, fixed the stuck bathroom door, assembled a playground set, mowed the lawn, insulated cold air leaks, ordered me Amsoil, leveled the stove and fixed the convection fan!

And true to his nature he called the next day and said I forgot two things. (rolling eyes) Ha ha!

Will helping his G-Pop fix the convection fan.

Slaving away in the garden.

The kids taking their "new to us" swingset out for a test drive.
Thanks for visiting Dad! Greta is already talking about when she'll see you and Kiki next. Can't wait for April!


Bridgette said...

cute. did you make him draw his chores out of a hat???

Phil, Gretch, and Finn said...

I am happy to see he shared his wife beater with you all. Looks like you/he got a lot accomplished!

Heather said...

What a blessing! Where can I get me one of those....Do I call 1-800-NeedGPOP?

He came over for dinner one night, a while ago, and fixed my phone that had been busted for years in about 3 minutes! It was as if the phone was calling his did he even know???