The Peculiar Packaging of Grace
2 years ago
An Alaskan girl married to a funny boy from Charlotte. We met on an improv drama team and during a part of a skit where he's supposed to propose to another girl on our team he mistakenly said my name instead...twice. It's been love ever since. Now, we've been blessed with our little Greta girl and our sweet boy Will and love being their parents. We now have someone else to entertain besides ourselves. The Lord is good.
so cute! how lucky she is to have such a crafty mommy! :)
turtle! Hilarious!
Too cute.
Please hand down to Elli when finished...
have you always sewed? i did it in high school, and think i could remember how to work a sewing machine. my sister just gave me her brand new one from my mom that she said she'll never use. i really want to put it to use, but i'm a teensie bit on the nervous side. i guess i need to get over that if i'm going to be stealing designs of yours to make dresses for Mecaden. any tips?
before i forget to mention: greta is just gorgeous. i love her sweet little face and the blonde hair. next time you come to town we'd love to play with you guys, i'm sure M and G would have so much fun running around.
ONE more thing: those pillow covers you made for your old place- did you "wing" it or did you have a pattern? loved it and want to do it, but again- my intimidated-by-sewing-again side got the best of me so I forked over like $60 on new pillows. i know- RIDICULOUS
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