Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ahhh, the Good ol' Days?

Allow me to take you back to 7th grade. We all have our stories of junior high; like the time when perm solution burned my skin off and I had a 4 inch scab across my forehead for 2 weeks, or the time my notebook came flying out of my locker and sliced me across the nose, or when I had a hickey on my chin because Ben Wolf told me if I squeezed my chin hard enough my nose would turn blue. What, this never happened to you? **Cough, cough** Yeah, me neither.....

Every morning at G2, the gym would be open so all the students could play around before classes. I loved going in there and kicking booty in BUMP, the basketball game where you have to knock out people's basketball's in your way so you could get your ball through the hoop before theirs. It was one morning such as this that Tucker Caven shot a total airball and it hit me on the head and made my teeth chatter. Ever since then I've had a tiny chip on the corner of my front tooth. No one has ever really noticed this chip (except for Brian Jeffries, Bernie's friend who always greeted me with "Hey Chippy!") and it's never really bothered me before...until now.

It was also at this prime of life that Gretchen, Bridgette and Dori though it'd be fun to wax my 12 year-old virgin eyebrows for "practice" if you will. They'd glob on the wax, rip off wimpy paper towels that never took the wax with it and somehow accomplished waxing half of my eyebrow off. I blame them for having to get my eyebrows waxed to this day.

So, why this walk down memory lane? Because my past is coming back to haunt me. Last month at the dentist I was there for a completely different reason when my dr. started filing down my front tooth where the chip was. I stopped him immediately to clear up the miscommunication, but the damage had already been done. My chip is now BIGGER! It was on somewhat of a "wish list" but not the reason I was originally there. Unfortunately, I was not financially prepared to shell out any more money so the chip remains. Just call me Chippy! Then, last weekend I had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend filled with dinner's with friends, garage sales, a Michael's trip BY MYSELF, Starbucks, church and getting my eyebrows shaved. SHAVED!! WHAT? I went in to get my eyebrows waxed and asked if there was a long wait because my sweet patient husband and kids were in the car waiting on me. They saw me immediately which I so appreciated and quickly waxed my eyebrows just once on each side. Now, I know my waxing. And I know my eyebrows. They're not that easy. There is such a thing called a natural arch that God has created wax to achieve on my brows. It takes more than one wax strip. The lady thought she might be able to achieve this by using A RAZOR on my brows instead! In her hasty state she cut me TWICE! I had no words. I just said, "Oh! You cut me." As you can guess, I had a five o' clock shadow above each eye the next morning. I swear I'm back in junior high....


Anonymous said...

You had me dieing laughing. I was expecting to see a picture of chip and the brow. Come on if you tell the story you have to share photos!


Unknown said...

hahaha! man thats too funny!
also, did you know if you put a cup over your mouth and chin and suck on it to hold it there, itll turn your nose blue?

Anonymous said...

Now I want to play Bump! I love that game. I wonder what ever happened to Tucker Caven?!

Sorry to hear about your eyebrow shave at least you weren't getting a stache wax too!!

Sarah P.

anthonyandbeth said...

oh natalie i am laughing SO HARD!!! if you could only see me! :) i'm glad you can find all the humor in these stories and share them with us! i bet adam was surprised to see you so quickly back at the car, all shaven. :) hilarious!!!

Allison said...


(i'm pounding my fists on the laptop.)

you know my chipped tooth story tops yours, though!

Bridgette said...

Chippy~ I would PAY MONEY to see those eyebrows...

Kellee Flatt said...

Yikes! What a story!

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

where r the pictures! Been waiting I don't want this to get ugly!


Anonymous said...

HILARIOUS. Seriously I laughed out loud.
-Katie D

Kale Family News said...

Oh my Natalie!!! You are beautiful no matter what, and your sense of humor is delightful. That is how to get through life's happenings is to have a great sense of humor and use it to make others laugh which you made me do. Love, Mom