The Peculiar Packaging of Grace
2 years ago
An Alaskan girl married to a funny boy from Charlotte. We met on an improv drama team and during a part of a skit where he's supposed to propose to another girl on our team he mistakenly said my name instead...twice. It's been love ever since. Now, we've been blessed with our little Greta girl and our sweet boy Will and love being their parents. We now have someone else to entertain besides ourselves. The Lord is good.
HA-Larious!! That is so FUNNY!
you are too funny! that episode was HILARIOUS! ;)
love it! :)
So glad his name isn't Chevy.
Haha, that's hilarious. I was laughing at the title before I even saw the pic. I wondered where this one was going...
ahhh! Will looks so precious...can't wait to meet him : ). and don't worry...all of the mess and boxes are in the closet of my "clean" room, haha. still a work in progress : ).
HAHAHA, so awesome... Adam had practice in our karate movie :) when will was still in your awesome-ab tummy
That is TOOOOOOOO Funny! Hopefully Adam feels more attached to Will than Michael did to Astird! =)
When I read your post I read Astrid's name like Michael pronounced it. Very fitting for Jan's baby!
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