Thursday, August 21, 2008

Call of the Wild Child

Greta has been very vocal these past couple months. She loves to babble and express herself very dramatically with enunciating different sounds like they make complete and perfect sense. Back in June, she would constantly say "minna minna minna" over and over again. She'll do it even now but mostly when we say it to her first. Currently her favorite noise is "appeta, appeta". Those are the ones that I can detect, the other babble is just sweet noise. Her words are mama (think mama as in saying mamma mia in an Italian voice. She says it like that), dada and baba (for her sippy cup). Occasionally she will repeat things just the way we say them. For a while there when we would end our prayers with "Amen" she would repeat it saying "men!". She doesn't do it anymore and instead shreiks out some sort of babble instead. As far as her animal noises are concerned, her first animal to repeat was in fact the bird. While sitting eating breakfast one morning, Greta heard the birds chirping outside. She mimicked them by making the "ha ha ha" sound in a high pitched voice. So, that's what the birdie says according to Greta. That's also what a doggie says according to her because I always say the dog says "arf arf" in a high pitched voice. They both sound alike. She'll also sing too when we listen to the radio. It's mainly just melodic babble, but she'll kind of draw out her words in a sing-song voice. I'll have to get this all on video one of these days....


emily bennett said...

so cute- love the "appeta, appeta". she cracked me up when she was talking to me at MMO- she looked at me with the most serious expression like I understood, and hung onto, every word. it was priceless! do try and get this on video!!

tjsing said...

Is she Italian?! All of what she says seems to have the Italian flair! Appeta, Minna, Mammma...who knew your little hija was really a figlia!
She really is a cutie, I love the little flyaway curls!

Katie said...

Copy and paste this entry right onto a scrapbook page! Perfect Mama Mia!

Kale Family News said...

Greta speaks a language all her own. Now if we could just all understand it...I love it! Can't wait to see her. Love, Mom