Once Angie and Mom flew in, we picked them up at the airport and continued our adventures to Alabama to meet up with Bernie. He had been gone for 2 months at Officer Training School and everyone was excited to see him.
The next day was Bern's graduation which he was voted to be the class speaker for.

I was armed with all the ammo a mom could need: sippy cups, gummi bears, gum, grandparents, camera, anything to occupy the kids so I could hear the speech.
I was armed with all the ammo a mom could need: sippy cups, gummi bears, gum, grandparents, camera, anything to occupy the kids so I could hear the speech.
This is where we ended up...

This is how I saw the speech...
I'm just glad I got to hear Bernie give it to us the night before. We kept trying to figure out ways for him to slip in our names in the middle of the speech. "It's nat going to be easy..." or "Our future's so bright, we could get a sunbernie." Well, I made that last one up, but you get the idea.
The kids and I took a walk around the base. It's funny growing up seeing this stuff all the time and then you see it new again when your kids see it for the first time.
At the parade ceremony where all the soldiers march.

G-Pop telling Greta secrets.
Bern in the middle.
Bern, 3rd from right.
One proud mom.
One proud wife. (and baby too! They find out what they're having May 17th!)
Dad saluting Bernie. Why? Because he has too. :)
Lemme tell you something. Bernie cleaned house at the award ceremony. He got 3 awards. One for 100% physical fitness (only 16 people got that award), one for class speaker and one I've dubbed the MVP award. Bernie described it as, "For some reason they thought I was the guy who was the best example of who they'd like to see come out of this school." These two generals on the right came right up to Bernie and shook his hand after the ceremony. We were so proud of him.

I think Will has a new BFF.
Will got a little battle scar after a fight with the bathtub. He climbed into the slippery wet tub with his crocs on and slipped. His tooth hit the side of the tub. He only cried for a couple minutes, but I noticed this chip as I was putting him to bed that night. Hope he doesn't mind it since he's got about 5 more years of it! It doesn't seem to bad, but if the doctor recommends we might have to get it filed down.
Angie's cute baby bump. They're due in October!

It's one thing to slosh through the hotel lobby in your wet bathing suit and towel. We all do it. However, my mom cracked me up by looking all business up top and party on the bottom. With her button up shirt and purse slung around her shoulder, she looks like she's living out someones worst nightmare where they're in a business meeting with no pants on.
And while we're on the topic, here's another crazy mom story. We stopped at a truck stop with a Wendy's on our way back to the ATL airport. My mom gave Greta a Ken doll head out of nowhere. After asking where she got that, she replied, "On the ground. It's a good distraction for the kids!" She actually stopped in the pouring rain, at a truck stop to pick up a body-less head for my kids. I had to take a picture because this was just too classic. I can't say that it worked as a distraction since I threw it in the trash as soon as I could, but I have to say that it was soooo fun to hang out with everyone for those few days. What a whirlwind and perfect opportunity for the kids to hang out with their grandparents one-on-one.
This is how I saw the speech...
I'm seriously crying about that Mom outfit.
And crying/laughing about all of your descriptions.
ellll ohhhh ellll
Okay, So I was crying tears of happiness and feeling sentimental for little Bernie who is all grown up now. Then, I saw that pic of your mom and your description of her outfit and I lost it. I'm dying here. Your mom is hilarious.
i love your family! your mom is the best and such a hoot! and you are too, for describing everything SO well. :) congrats to your brother!!! i know you are ALL so proud of him!
Ok...your mom! LOL I love it, too funny!!! I didn't know Bernie and Angie were expecting, how exciting for them!
That mom get-up is by far the funniest thing. I didn't see that! She was the outfit version of the mullet! She wanted to be formal, but she was there to party! Can't wait to see you guys this summer! Love you and happy mother's day!!
looks like all had a great time.....by the way, where is will in the hotel suite???? can't find him...ramona
Awesome post Nat! Congrats to Bernie on all the cool awards. And, your mom cracks me up! The bathingsuit and Ken doll head - classic!!!!
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