Monday, July 18, 2005

Colgate Delight

Well, I knew once I got married I would have to acquire some good homemade cooking skills and while doing that, I would learn some lessons along the way. I figured I would be able to work out all the glitches during the first year of marriage, but since I'm am just about 2 months overdue of the one year mark, I think I have no excuse for the dumb mistake I made yesterday.
I had a recipe for Grasshopper Pie that needed creme de mint as an ingredient. Lesson learned: There is a difference between creme de mint and pure mint extract. After emptying a full bottle of pure mint extract into my batter, I reflected back on the time I substituted corn oil for corn syrup (another lesson learned). I tried to convince myself that it wasn't that bad, so as I ate my sliver I kept taking bites and just breathed at the end as icicles formed around my mouth and a slight headache had begun to come on. It felt like I had taken a tube of Aquafresh and squeezed it down my throat. It's what I like to formally call my "Colgate Delight."

1 comment:

shellyeve said...

aww - you are hilarious!!! i'm not a cook either :) hope you're doing well - i'm loving the pix