Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Camp Carlquist

Well, my dad made a suggestion for me to bring the camera one day to work so everyone can see what a normal day at Cub Scout Camp looks like! It's a beautiful area, just about 5 minutes down the road from our house (which means that I literally roll out of bed 15 minutes before I have to be at work at 6:30) You'll be able to tell, not a whole lot of thought goes into deciding my wardrobe and preparation for the day so that's pretty easy to do. I've worked at the Boy Scout Camp for 4 summers in years past, but this is my first year with the little cub scouts and they are so much cuter and a lot more appreciative. Working at the camp with a bunch of scouts is funny because you hear some pretty hilarious typical "boy scout" things being said.
Funny things I've heard quoted:
"I've found the most interesting stick today"
"I know what temerature of water that dishwasher is using. 212 degrees. I know because of the steam."
And my favorite...
A little pipsqueak boy about 9 years old was just standing at the counter watching me frantically load and put away dishes. When I asked him if he needed something he replied, "No, I'm just looking. You know... people just don't take the time to look around anymore."
The ladies pictured are my mom and DeEtta Page who is my childhood pastors wife.
Typically, we feed about 200-250 kids a week. On the menu today? Breakfast burritos in the morning and chicken sandwich's with tator tots for lunch! And somewhere pictured you'll see the boys who wanted another option- peanut butter and jelly.

1 comment:

Susan Renstrom said...

Loved the pictures. What a beautiful setting for you to work in, at least when you could get out of the kitchen. Say "Hi" to Mrs. Page for us.