Weight- 16 lbs, 11 oz (50%)
Height-28 1/4 inches (95%)
Head Circum- 16 3/4 (25-50%)
The doctor noticed that he was tri-podding which is what babies do right before they start sitting up on their own. I had to ask what that means and it's exactly as it sounds. As he sits up he leans forward and props himself up with his arms. Since that appt., he's starting to sit up for a little bit longer periods now but still falls over from time to time. Also, he's starting to get up on all 4's and rock back and forth! I'm not ready for a crawling baby and yet I'm still proud of this milestone. :)
He was 5 months old when I first tried rice cereal. Really, up until he turned 6 months, it was like a hunger switch got turned on. Before he used to spit it back out and now he eats whatever I feed him! (Except for green beans...we're still working on that one.) The boy loves banana's and sweet potatoes though!
Did you say "that reeks?" haha. if he were in AK mom would have him eating biter biscuits by now fo sho....
Nat! He is just SO precious. Love those big blue eyes. Hope you guys are doing well, miss seeing you!
Did you get that tank at the Goodwill!? I tried that same exact one on a month or so ago and wish I would have gotten it!!
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