The Peculiar Packaging of Grace
2 years ago
An Alaskan girl married to a funny boy from Charlotte. We met on an improv drama team and during a part of a skit where he's supposed to propose to another girl on our team he mistakenly said my name instead...twice. It's been love ever since. Now, we've been blessed with our little Greta girl and our sweet boy Will and love being their parents. We now have someone else to entertain besides ourselves. The Lord is good.
You look awesome Natalie! :)
Wow Nat. It almost looks like you are carrying a girl with being so out front. Maybe we should expect a Willamena?
Poor Nat! You look like you should be tipping over!:) You do look excellent if I should say so myself. All baby for sure.:)
Nat! You look great! 20 days MY FOOT. And WHAT will you do, may I ask, if it is longer than 20 days? Wouldn't you like to know what it feels like to carry that around for... oh i dont know... 34 more days??? come on, join the overdue party, it's quite a thrill....
:) so so so excited for you guys, and can't wait to meet baby Will. if we're in the hospital again at the same time (that's a BIG if), then let's actually roll our bassinets to each others rooms at least once.
love the picture of you and the gal- so precious. and you're right, the black is very slimming. i find sucking in helpful too, along with bright red lipstick- it draws attention away from the watermelon under my shirt.
Are you sure thats a baby under there? It looks like a basketball! Haha but you look great woman!
Natalie, that is a BASKETBALL under your shirt!
Yippie! Can't wait to meet our little nephew!
girl there's no slimming that belly! it's awesome. I love it! hope you get to meet that little guy soon and that everything goes well.
how much longer??? can't wait to meet little Will!!! :)
You are so ADORABLE! And that belly doesnt even look real! Did Greta put a basketball under your shirt? Tell the truth! Cant wait to hear about Will's arrival. By the way....Jay LOVES the name Will...It was always one of his fav's! He's glad to know someone he knows is using it! =)
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