Early Saturday morning garage saleing in the neighborhood
Pulling out wipes and sucking on them
Eating casserole
And going directly in the tub afterwards. This picture tells two things: 1. Greta LOVES baths
2. She's been into leg-lifting lately thinking she can climb up/onto things that way, but that's about as far as she gets.
Adam and I hit a couple of balls at the driving range
We went into Lynchburg and met Lydia for the first time. She is beautiful and has amazing coloring. With our babies swapped in this picture, it almost looks more appropriate as far as hair color is concerned!
We went to park in L-burg to celebrate Cinco De Mayo aaaaaaaannnnnddd Leigh Anna's Birthday.
Saw cousin Katie
Puttin' out the vibe
Hanging out with Poppy
Went to the mall to meet up with Jaime Johnson (a friend from LU) and her parents. Both Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were so sweet to play with Greta so Jaim and I could catch up. Looks like Greta made some other friends too. :)
Making Mommy a Mother's Day card. Stickers and all.
On our way to church on Mother's Day
Adam and Dan cooking for Danielle and I later that afternoon
They made stir fry- yum! All comments about Dan's shaggy hair will be voided since he has cut his hair since this picture. I think the shadow's accentuated it some too though.
That pic of Greta on the fence is so precious...shes beautiful and looking at pics of her makes me miss our little girl being that little even though it wasn't too long ago.
All I can say is that I would have a hay day scrappin' some of those pics!!!! The "puttin' out the vibe" pic is hilarious!! I love it!! If you go to scrapbookpictures.com, you can get enlargements pretty cheap, and they do a lot of different cool sizes. Greta girl is just too cute. Good thing you're having a boy, cause a girl might have had a complex about trying to measure up to her cuteness!! Katie
i love the pic of Gretta with all the little black kids! so cute! It was great seeing you Nat! I miss you already!
Nat~ What an adorable top Greta is wearing in Lynchburg! I can't wait to see her and squeeze our gal pal. She is a doll.
I love the leg lift story.
P.S. You look great in your pic below. You look like a kid when you found out with Greta. I think it's the bangs.
we have missed seeing that girl-
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