She loves Spring days like today. Okay, well that's me that loves them and she just loves to be outside. 78 degrees today.
And she didn't mind the swing either!
She LOVES the fridge! Every time I open the door she giggles. When I am busy cooking and she want's to be busy too, sometimes I just open a cabinet or the pantry and let her go to town. This day she was lucky to make it to the fridge door just in time before it was closed. Only for a minute though since it's not very "green" of me to be wasting energy like that. Too bad we don't have a hybrid fridge and then energy savings wouldn't matter.
She loves her daddy. Now, there was a time when she was strictly a mama's girl. Sure, she loved her dad but wanted me to hold her, ate better when I fed her, and I constantly had to be in her line of vision. Now, her first word was Dadadadadada which has now morphed into Ada. Today, Adam came home for lunch and all he had to do was say, "Hellloooooo" before she shouted "Ada!" from the other room after just hearing his voice. Their favorite game to play is chase around the house too.
And lastly, I forgot to mention another door in the kitchen that I open. She loves to explore what's behind the dishwasher door.
How has this last year gone by so fast? She's such a combination of you both - her eyes, her mischeivous personality, her curious nature. She's brought a lot of joy into the world. And in a few months, a new little Nadam production.... How fun!
She is so cute...I can't stand it! :) I'm excited to see ya'll in a couple of weeks and let the girls have a play date (well...greta will play, Lydia will lay there and stare at her!).
Wow...that top pic of miss greta is obsolutely gorgeous. Tell Adam, "hey" for me and that his little girl is beautiful.
- JC
That is SO true- i see you and adam so much in Sweet Greta! I just think she and Bennett are the most precious little girls ever. Cant wait to see all of yall again soon
She really is an adorable little girl! I love the first picture with her eyes so bright and big. What a sweetheart!
i love the top picture - those big blue eyes are just outstandingly beautiful!
What do you do with that much cuteness?
That kid is so cute- she is such a sweet baby-
What a blessed family all the way around.
She is such an adorable baby and helping at such an early age emptying the dishwasher. I like how she is into the fridge already too. Her little pearly white teeth are so beautiful. You too are doing a great job as parents. Love, Mom
She is so sweet, guys! I love to see her little smile.
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