Friday, October 12, 2007

Birthday Cards

Tomorrow is a farm themed birthday party for Emme and Levi. Since Emme's first birthday I have handmde her birthday cards and now I have Levi's to add to the bunch. I made these cards this morning so I thought I'd share how they turned out. I was pretty proud of the Dora since Emme loves her so much. I made the pterodactyl for Levi since he screeches like one when he wants something. Pay no attention to the spelling on the card since I now know the correct spelling of pterodactyl. I have to fix it before I give it to him. What an embarrassment for a one year old to correct my spelling mistake. :)


Phil, Gretch, and Finn said...

Wow, that Dora is good. You must have spent a while at the craft store.

anthonyandbeth said...

WOW! you did a GREAT job!