Thursday, September 13, 2007

Pictoral Update- September

Well, I came home from the library to find that my computer was indeed working! Yeah! It's just really slow so I hope you appreciate these pictures. It took 8 years to upload. :)

The gal loves the bjorn. See, I told you she was cute as a button. :)

Labor Day weekend was fun and full of projects. Mom and Dad Renstrom came in from Charlotte to help us. Thanks again! Greta and her Papa Renstrom. Notice the bracelet on her wrist. Her Grammy Renstrom made it. When I asked her to show it to me, she did this....

One of the projects that the guys worked on was spray painting all of our doors from upstairs. They had been tinged an orangey-yellow over time and now they are all spruced up with a fresh coat of La Fonda Ecru. (That's the name of the white.) Funny name huh? La Fonda is Kip's girlfriend from Napoleon Dynamite. Grammy's job was to be the all time baby-sitter. I could not keep her from working though. Here she is multi-tasking watching Greta and sweeping the death trap porch.
That weekend also marked the first time Greta met her future college roomate in 18 years. Ella is so cute and is 2 months older than Greta. Her mom, Lindsay, was my college roomie and she and her husband Joey were on their way back from the beach. We were happy to be their pit stop.

The gal in her swing playing with her links.
I love these little pants on her. They're from her Aunt Leigh Anna. Thanks Leebs!
Another aunt gave her this racy little onesie. :) Thanks Danielle!

And, in other news, I made a wreath. I've officially welcomed Fall even though it's been mid-90's this week. This also included buying a fally candle and making pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. And I wore jeans today in honor of the dropping temps. 87 degrees. :)


Anonymous said...

She is getting so big. I love the big belly in the onsie from Danielle. I think she is looking like Adam these days. But at times I see her mama.

Phil, Gretch, and Finn said...

SHE IS TOTALLY A MINI NATALIE. Don't listen to Kathleen, she looks just like you!

The Blonde Renstroms said...

Bennett picked the onesie out - I had nothing to do with it.

anthonyandbeth said...

i just put up my fall wreath too! maybe if we start decorating for fall the temps will drop, that's my theory anyway! :) love the pix! She is adorable as always!

HMPhillips said...

I'm dying for fall to get here! We've had really warm temps here too, in the 90's. I about fell out of my chair when I saw the backrub onsie on Greta...that's just too funny. I'm gonna make sure to show that to Josh when he gets home. Greta is such a cutie, they get big so quick.

Christy said...

Greta is adorable! And she is getting so big! I love your wreath you made! Natalie, you are so creative and crafty!

Amy said...

Hey Nat! I'm impressed with the wreath. I am as well over eager to move into the autumn season. I just wish the weather would agree!

I'm loving the new pictures of Greta!