Monday, August 20, 2007

You've been tagged

A few posts ago, I tagged Bridgette and Gretchen in haste because Greta had just woken up from her nap crying. I do want them to write 8 random things about themselves because I know they will come up with some funny stuff. The people below are a few more I thought of later that I'd like to see do it also if they want.

Heather Hughes- I'm glad you wanted me to tag you anyway because you were one of the first people I thought of!

Beth Williams- That is if you're not still laying out by the pool. Maybe they have wi-fi. :)

Mark and/or Katie Carrington- Mark, I'd like to hear more about this cheddar cheese if you've got any more funny stories. And your wife is just plain lovely so consider yourself both tagged if you'd like.

Allison- Seriously, as if you have anything better to do on bedrest. :) Only if you want to of course.

My mom- Do something crazy you almost 50-year-old you.

1 comment:

anthonyandbeth said...

I've completely my task! :)