Greta now weighs 9 pounds 10 ounces and is in the 25th percentile for weight.
Her length is 21.5 inches long and is in the 25th percentile. Her head circumference is 38 cm. and is in the 50th percentile.
She was a champ for her shots too. After the longest one single cry I've ever heard come from all almost 10 pounds of her, she caught her breath and basically looked like this the rest of the day.
Good news is is that we don't have to do that for another 2 whole months and she got 2 cool tazmanian devil bandaids to show for it!
The Peculiar Packaging of Grace
2 years ago
Poor little punkin gal! Her look after the shots make me a mite worried. She looks a little peaked for sure. I love the pic of her on the scale chewing her hands though! B~
sounds like she was a real trooper! those shots are just awful for both mom and baby! isn't it just terrible the way the hold their breath and then let out the most heart wrenching cry! :( Can't wait to see her tomorrow! I love babysitting! :)
Good job journaling the experience. She will grow here pretty soon. We all know how often she likes to eat!
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