Thursday, June 07, 2007

Wee One

Yesterday, I had my 38 week appt. Only 2 weeks left to go! Here are some things of interest that I thought I might report:

1. She's a tiny little tike: The dr.'s noticed my belly not measuring as big as it should. They thought the reason for this was because the baby has dropped too low to get the head measurement but they wanted to do an ultrasound just to be sure. Sure enough, she's dropped and really low they say. But, she's also tiny. During the ultrasound, they took measurements of her head, femur and abdomen to get a weight estimation. The first time they did it the weight was 6 lbs, 9 oz. The second time they did it was 6 lbs, 4 oz. They aren't concerned though as she is healthy with breathing lungs, beating heart and the rest of her organs are developed. She is measuring in the 20 percentile and wouldn't be concerned unless it was 10% or lower.

2. Female gender is confirmed: I had them check. Juuuusssstt in case. I told them that everytime I walk into the nursery I always think, "This better be a girl!" I'm tired of shopping. :)

3. A few weeks back the Renstrom fam called Adam and I to report that the name Greta means "pearl". I didn't know that until then and thought that was pretty cool. They were also impressed with it being of Swedish descent. Well, yesterday the ultrasound tech commented that June has the pearl birthstone. How fitting!


Anonymous said...

little is good! You must be getting so excited! Can't wait to see pics of litte Greta!

Heather said...

Ive been thinking about you and how you must be getting so excited! I will be praying for a great delivery, for strength and perserverence in the days to come. You will do great! Cant wait to hear of the arrival of little Greta!

Anonymous said...

w00t! exciting :)

Kellie said...

with all this talk of pearls I feel kind of obligated to suggest that you have wee little meredith girl in your tummy....

I'm so happy to hear that everything is going well! I can't wait to see little Greta!! :)

love you!

The Blonde Renstroms said...

We can't wait to meet you Greta!!

Kale Family News said...

She's going to be perfect!!! I love you. Mom PS You were only 7 lbs 13 ounces and 9 days late I might add.

Patience Leino said...


we're so excited that Greta's here!!!!!!

emily bennett said...

I told Todd, but I can't believe it actually came true, that you were going to have sweet Greta before we had Baby Bennett! HAHA and I find out she was born this morning, and we're going to be induced tomorrow! HAHA! I called Todd and told him- we are so excited for you, and well- we may see you tomorrow since we'll be there too! Maybe we can pop in before we get induced :-) Just don't tell us any horror stories!! Love to you three!!!
Love Emily and Todd

emily bennett said...

PS- not to mention, you're a week early and we're two weeks late... how did that happen?

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS GUYS!!! She is just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

She's so beautiful Nat! I think she looks like you and also G-ma Kale!! But I can see where you are thinking Bennett too! Beautiful!
