An Alaskan girl married to a funny boy from Charlotte. We met on an improv drama team and during a part of a skit where he's supposed to propose to another girl on our team he mistakenly said my name instead...twice. It's been love ever since. Now, we've been blessed with our little Greta girl and our sweet boy Will and love being their parents. We now have someone else to entertain besides ourselves. The Lord is good.
looks like it's gonna be a great fit for adam!
p.s.Did you happen to notice that there is a piece of trim that is missing over top of the door? :) Eagle eye...sorry can't help it, it's a disease.
Thank you Captain Obvious. You failed to mention the lack of a switchplate and a blob of spackle on the wall where Moose started to chew away at the drywall.
Hey guys! Congratulations! I am so happy for you!
Well I didn't want to go too far....
congrats to adam on the new job.....great news for everyone. i like the pic of moose longingly watching out the door, but he'll have better days ahead when nat's at home. ramona
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