Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Getting Ready

It was fun to come home with all of our gifts and put them in place around the nursery. Adam put together the new stroller. We got the Combi Torino from Babies R Us. This picure is to show the color of the stoller, not the shiny part of Adam's head....:)
I hung up the wall letters in the nursery a few weeks ago. Bridge gave me the clothespins for an added touch. I'm thinking I need to slide the letters a titch to the left to be perfectly centered. What do you think?


Bridgette said...

yeah a little to the left. And I love the wall letters. That's an awesome picture of Adam and Bennett. And you look great at the shower! You are carrying so nicely.

Phil, Gretch, and Finn said...

I don't think they need to be moved. I love the doll in the corner of the crib. That would make GMA K proud.

Emily Gossett said...

it's getting close!!! yah!!! we're praying for you guys! can't wait to meet little Greta!