Saturday, March 24, 2007

Working Hard

Last weekend, Mom and Dad R. came into town to help us with some home improvement. It was such a blessing to have extra hands to speed along the process of what needs to get done before the baby gets here.On their way home....and suprisingly they're still smiling!

Us girls finished all the painting downstairs while the guys worked upstairs installing a bathtub and tub surround in the guest bathroom.

This weekend Adam's been tiling the floor in the same bathroom. Here are some before and after shots of what's been done the past two weekends...


Today me and the babe have been working in the kitchen organizing the new kitchen island and what not.
Me and the babe

Our new kitchen island

I can't remember if we've blogged the kitchen before, but here it is....The last things to do in here are to get a new stove hood and change the outdated drawer and cabinet handles.


Bridgette said...

Love love love the pictures! The only reason the Renstroms are smiling is because they are walking out the door!! HAHA.

Cutch said...

That island is phat! so is the fact that you got all that work done. Can't wait to see that bathroom.

Phil, Gretch, and Finn said...

Good job blogging. Can't wait to see the place in June!

The Blonde Renstroms said...

Looks great, guys!

Anonymous said...

looking forward to seeing your project....seems like i'll feel right at home! things are looking good.

Emily Gossett said...

Your baby is getting bigger!! yah!
We're super excited for you guys!
The kitchen looks awesome!!! I love the island! Very nice! Love you guys...I guess even Moose:-)!