Sunday, March 11, 2007

Weekend in Charlotte

Quality time spent with the in-laws including Baby Bennett Mama and Papa Ward with some sweet new friends, the Martin's.

Yesterday Leigh Anna ran a couple miles with Moose. As soon as they got back, Moose collapsed on the ground as if he just went through a day of boot camp. We laughed so hard about his dramatic tongue length and him drinking from his water bowl while still sprawled on the floor.

We always roll down the window for him on drives so he can do this.
Most times though, he likes to look out my window instead which includes squeezing his chubby little stomach over the passenger's chair and all over me.


Wolfgers said...

The pics of Moose in the car are hilarious.

Patti said...

Moose is hilarious!! haha can't wait to meet him :)

The Blonde Renstroms said...

Ha! HA! That picture of Moose is so funny!

Cutch said...

I love that last picture of you and moosey. What a wacko dog!!!

shellyeve said...

love ya chica - these pics are great!