Sunday, February 18, 2007

5 Months(+1 week)

21 weeks on Valentines Day. For Valentines, we had our discipleship groups over for dinner consisting of a bunch of single freshman guys with bunch of single freshman girls. We played Battle of the Sexes which we thought was fitting for the holiday. :) Adam and I celebarated our Valentines together with just the two of us on Thursday. It was perfect, complete with dinner at our favorite restaurant topped off with watching the Office. It doesn't get much better than that!
This is our cheesy half-hearted (no pun intended) :) attempt at making a heart for a picture so we could remember it was Valentines when these pictures were taken. Thanks to Adam for the enthusiastic excitement hardly contained in this photo. :)


Joey, Lins, and Ell Bell said...

You have the cutest little belly! I just love the classic Natalie wave you give in the picture! Hilarious! Also classic nat picture is the cheesy heart with Adam!
Love your also cheesy friend!

Adam and Natalie said...

Ha! I knew someone would think I was waving. Actually, I'm holding up 5 fingers so I can remember that I was 5 months.

Patti said...

you guys are too much...haha hope to see ya soon.... i'll be down march 30th :)