Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My Pride and Joy?

Apologies to friends and family, but until we have pictures of a cute little baby girl, you're stuck with her father for now...
These are pictures from Christmastime (yes, Christmastime. Just some clarification for the AK folks who see the green grass in the picture) Adam graced us with his windsuit again (**reminder- ladies, size L) with the giant hole in the crotch and the lining shining through. And thankfully the chops and stache only lasted for the evening.


Anonymous said...

sick,...that's just wrong Adam!! Did he actually go anywhere wearing that suit? B

Anonymous said...

Adam and Nat,
we just love to read and see the pictures on your life, keep them coming. Sandra is helping me learn how to comment on the blog.
Love you,Papa and Mama Ward

Kale Family News said...

Greta's daddy will definitely be one of a kind. Hopefully he won't embarass her with that windsuit. At least sew the hole Nat. Mom

The Blonde Renstroms said...

I really want to comment, but I'm at a loss for words.

Patti said...

i think hewould have been great in the new miami vice movie as a villan or maybe a new austin powers movie.... yeah that's just funny!